Sunday, 15 March 2009


Describe simply how they have handled a customer complaint.

You will need to understand that it is important to listen to customers and to keep calm. You
will need to know when to refer a customer to a more senior member of staff if you are not able
to deal with an enquiry.

Customer complaints could be in writing, over the telephone or face-to-face.
It is important that you know how to deal with these situations and when and whom to ask for help.
When dealing with complaints you should always:
• listen carefully to the customer;
• apologise in general terms for any inconvenience caused;
• let the customer know that the matter will be fully investigated and, if possible, put right;
• try to see the problem from the customer.s point of view;
• keep calm and not argue with the customer;
• find a solution to the problem;
• agree the solution with the customer;
• make sure that what you promised to do gets done

To achieve marks for this section you need to:
- write a description showing how well you handled a complaint describing:
- the complaint itself
- the way the customer communicated the complaint
- the way you dealt with the complaint
- any follow up action taken
- obtain a witness statement, confirming what you did when dealing with the complaint, with an assessment of your level of skill in handling the complaint.

To achieve f1, a simple description would be sufficient. If you did not actually handle a
complaint, a simple description of the action that you would have taken would be sufficient

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