Sunday, 19 October 2008

D3 Compare the promotional techniques and materials used by one organisation with those used by the other leisure and toruism organisation

Key command word here is compare.
Therefore you must use connective words:

  • however
  • whereas
  • unlike
  • similarly
  • contrast this with
  • better than
  • both

It is better than ... beacuse....

Both facilities use similar...

They are different as a result of ....

Recap: What is meant by promotional techniques:


direct marketing

public relations

personal selling




sales promotions

Promotional materials:


brochures and leaflets

merchandising materials


press releases

internet sites

As you are comparing the promotional techniques and materials you need to state which is better and give reasons to explain why. you may want to use a rating system if that makes comparisons easier.

You might want to produce a table:

  • type of promotion
  • used by organisation 1
  • used by organisation 2
  • description of quality and differences between the two


  • which organisations promotional material is the highest quality?
  • Does one organisation use a form of promotion that the other doesn't?
  • Are the organisations promotions cost effective?
  • Which organisation promotes itself better?


One organisation using 'pester power' better than the other. Alton Towers estimate that children in the family influence 57% of major household purchases

One organisation may use third parties better. e.g. Alton Towers use the following brand partners: Kelloggs, The Sun, The Daily Mail, McDonalds, KFC, Pizza Hut, Coca Cola, Cadbury, Walkers, Tesco and Woolworths. Splash Landing is linked with Imperial Leather

Do both organisations use 'In house promotions' which may be cheap and effective particualrly when sales are down. Alton Towers gave vouchers out in Staffordshire when weather was hitting visitor numbers harshly.

Do both organisations advertise in newspapers, cinemas, poster sites, TV, radio? Does one advertise somewhere that the other doesn't?

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