Sunday, 19 October 2008
Deadline for D 10th November
Deadline for E 17th October
Deadline for F 1st December
Deadline for the finished portfolio
5th December 2008
Mock exams start on Monday 8th
We need to assess this work before theend of term as it needs to be submitted to OCR
You have 6 weeks
that is 24 hours of lesson time
18 hours of homework time.
F3 Demonstrate ability to plan and produce their promotional materials, stating aims, objectives, target audience and evaluate the finished product
Use the headings
- Aims
- Objectives
- Target Audience
- Evaluation
You must include all draft designs as evidence of planning
Your evaluation should consider the finished product in terms of papeal to the target audience, impact, use of colour and graphics. It may prove useful to produce a questionnaire to seek response to your promotional materials. The results of which will assist in your evaluation
F2 Produce an item of promotional material that shows imagination and is appropriate for a stated target audience
If your target audience is young children, then your promotional material needs to be attractive, fun, have colour, be clear or simple in design, use language that can be accessed, have typical identifiable characters.
Consider AIDA again
A = Attention
I = Interest
D = Desire
A = Action
- make sure you state your target audience and produce an item that is:
- appropriate for the target audience
- contains all of the relevant information presenting it accurately
- use inagination in terms of display or format
F1 Produce a peice of promotional material that includes the basic information for an identified target audience
Step 2 produce a mood board highlighting the tastes and trends among your target audience
The basic information that needs to be included in your promotional material includes:
place - make sure you give contact details, where is it, more details can be found where?
What will your pormotional material be? keep it simple and achievable:
Promotional materials can include
brochures and leaflets
merchandising materials
press releases
internet sites
E3 Analyse the SWOT techniques for the chosen organisation identifying areas the organisation needs to consider for furture development
Analyse the SWOT analysis and explain the areas the organisation needs to consider for future development.
For each point start a new paragraph.
What are the threats to the organisation? How can it alleviate the threat or cope around it?
What are the weaknesses of the organisation? what improvements and strategies can be put into place to improve this situation?
Perhaps some strengths such as an excellent reputation and unique product could lead them to expanding and opening new facilities to exploit new markets.
Dwell time - an imprtant factor in price determination in which customers decide whether a product offers value for money. Perhaps a new attraction could be added to increase the dwell time
Lack of pricing policies
The organisation may be reaching decline in the product lifecycle. Could they extend the lifecycle by revamping and attracting. Why have Alton Towers recently decided to close the Corkscrew ride?
Market research may be poor and new market research could identiry improvements that would have a significant impact
Does the organisation provide a first class shopping experience?
E2 Produce a detailed SWOT analysis for the chosen orgnaisation
make sure your points are detailed. Explain thoroughly why you think it is a strength, weakness opportunity or threat.
E1 Produce a basic SWOT analysis for the chosen organisation
You must write a basic SWOT analysis. Write 2 points for each of the 4 parts
S = Strengths internal factors they control
W= Weaknesses internal factors they control
O = Opportunities External factors that they can benefit from
T = Threats External factors Competitive rivals in the business
Strengths: location, uniques, valuve for money, excellent promotions
Weakness: lots of competition, poor customer service, short dwell time, in need of refurbishment, poor signage
Opportunities: Extension, better promotion, convert low usage restaurant into internet cafe, use of materials to supplement education talks
Threats: credit crunch - state of the economy, changing attitudes and trends, weather, both good and bad
D3 Compare the promotional techniques and materials used by one organisation with those used by the other leisure and toruism organisation
Therefore you must use connective words:
- however
- whereas
- unlike
- similarly
- contrast this with
- better than
- both
It is better than ... beacuse....
Both facilities use similar...
They are different as a result of ....
Recap: What is meant by promotional techniques:
direct marketing
public relations
personal selling
sales promotions
Promotional materials:
brochures and leaflets
merchandising materials
press releases
internet sites
As you are comparing the promotional techniques and materials you need to state which is better and give reasons to explain why. you may want to use a rating system if that makes comparisons easier.
You might want to produce a table:
- type of promotion
- used by organisation 1
- used by organisation 2
- description of quality and differences between the two
- which organisations promotional material is the highest quality?
- Does one organisation use a form of promotion that the other doesn't?
- Are the organisations promotions cost effective?
- Which organisation promotes itself better?
One organisation using 'pester power' better than the other. Alton Towers estimate that children in the family influence 57% of major household purchases
One organisation may use third parties better. e.g. Alton Towers use the following brand partners: Kelloggs, The Sun, The Daily Mail, McDonalds, KFC, Pizza Hut, Coca Cola, Cadbury, Walkers, Tesco and Woolworths. Splash Landing is linked with Imperial Leather
Do both organisations use 'In house promotions' which may be cheap and effective particualrly when sales are down. Alton Towers gave vouchers out in Staffordshire when weather was hitting visitor numbers harshly.
Do both organisations advertise in newspapers, cinemas, poster sites, TV, radio? Does one advertise somewhere that the other doesn't?
D2 Suggest other relevant promotional techniques and materials both organisations could use to promote themselves and ther products and services
Where a promotional method is not used you could suggest that method and describe how each organisation could use them. E.g. Disney send out videos to its target market - does Alton Towers? Could this be an effective promotional technique?
What about Organisation 2?
text alerts
2 for 1 customer deals
D1 comment briefly on the promotional materials / marketing mix of both organisations
you could consider Drayton Manor or Cadbury World, or you could research another organisation of your choice.
The key command words are comment briefly
For each organisation in turn briefly describe how good they are at the following:
Promotional Techniques:
direct marketing
public relations
personal selling
Promotional materials:
Brochures and leaflets
marchandising material
press releases
internet sites
You then need to do the same for Organisation 2
You could give each organisation a score /10 and then justify your score
Look at the AIDA evaluation - this is an effective way of commenting on promotional materials
A = Attention Does the promotion grab your attention - if so, why? if not, why not?
I = Interest How does it interest you?
D = Desire Does the promotional material make you want to use the products and services?
A = Action Does this promotional material enable you tyo take action? If so, how?
Telephone number, website, directions, opening times etc
Find examples of Alton Towers promotional products and annotate how they meet the AIDA criteria
C3 Evaluate the market research activities undertaken by the organisation in terms of cost effectiveness
'to judge or assess the worth of'
Market research methods:
primary research - information collected by interviewing peopole either face to face or on the phone
secondary research/ desk research making use of inforamtion which may have been published for example reports, statistics, financial records
Look at the customer survey - 'Your opinion Counts'
why ask for the following details:
date of visit
Personal details
Overall Views
What is the benefit of getting information from customers this way. Are the surveys more or less effective than the individual researchers around the park gaining feedback by use of PDAs
Why are evaluation sheets handed out at the end of education talks? What is the benefit to Alton Towers of giving education talks and then getting feedback from them?
Are people likely to repsond to telephone surveys, surveys put under windscreen wipers, postal surveys?
How cost effective is this type of market research activity?
Thursday, 16 October 2008
Provide a detailed desription of the market research activities undertaken by the organisation to identify market segments
This requires an in-depth description of products showing their target markets
What are the demographics of visitors to Alton Towers?
AB 29%
C1 27%
C2 23%
DE 21%
Female visitors account for 59% of total visitors
Male visitors account for 41%
Ages of visitors to Alton Towers can be broken down into the following age bands:
<10 13.4
11-14 13.7
15 - 17 11.9
18-19 7.3
20 - 24 12.8
25 - 29 7.3
30 - 34 8.0
35 - 39 6.7
40 -44 8.7
45-49 3.9
50 - 54 1.7
55 - 59 1.2
60 - 64 1.0
65+ 2.4
coach groups
school parties
group organisers
questionnaires on cars
focus groups receive questionnaire - white knuckle rides, younger customers - smaller rides
PDA researchers around the park asking people to rate rides, rate advertising perhaps giving a score out of 10
they have their own marketing team
People can also register their details by phone or on line which is collated in a mailing list and provides information for Alton Towers
Types of market reserach activities:
postal surveys
telephone questionaires
personal surveys
How does Alton Towers use these marketing activities?
How does it help them to meet their customers needs?
Wednesday, 15 October 2008
C Marketing
Is a tool that helps organisations to find out their customer needs.
It gathers together the likes and dislikes of customers so that the organisation can act on the information and improve its products and services.
It provides up to date information for the organisation.
Why is market research important to the organisation
It enables the organisation to find out the following information:
Who are the typical customers
what products and services do customers require
Why they will visit one organisation over their competitors
How can products and services be improved.
How can sales / visitor numbers be improved for the organisation as a result of suggestions made during market research.
How much customers are prepared to pay
How often are customers prepared to buy / visit
What sort of image will promote the products and services
What new products and services should be developed.
Market research involves forecasting the type of products and services that people require.
Market research helps with product developing.
Market research takes the guess work out of decision making
What are the different types of market research?
Primary Research = field research
Involves collecting and analysing information at first hand using face to face interviews and surveys.
Data is original and up to date
can be expensive to conduct
takes time to collect
Secondary research
Involves using material that has already been published such as newspaper articles, published company accounts, financial records.
There is a wide range of data available
Data is free
Soon becomes out of date
May not be relevant to research
How Does Alton Towers Know What Guests Want From Their Day Out?
Alton Towers conducts extensive research to ensure guests experience a magical day out. Questionnaires are left on car windscreens and in bedrooms at the Alton Towers hotels. The results are collated and fed back on a monthly basis. This is Customer Satisfaction Research, More specific questionnaires are also produced for special events to get instant feedback, this is known as Real Time Research.
What does Alton Towers do with this information?
Once results have been collected and processed they are distributed to appropriate departments who look at ways in which all aspects of Alton Towers can be improved.
What improvements have come out of customer research?
A good example is the introduction of branded food partners McDonalds, KFC and PizzaHut that came about as a direct result of the research in 1997
Why does Alton Towers hold special events?
Througout the season, Alton Towers holds a number of special events aimed at increasing the dwell time and therefore spend of guests. Previous special events have included summer entertainment, Halloween Spooktaculars and the UK's largest firework and laser spectacular. Alton Towers has also played host to a number of pop concerts including Tina Turner, Wet Wet Wet, M People and Bryan Adams.
Who organises the special events?
Alton Towers has its own Special Events departments. Their role involves all aspects of event management from publicising the events to the day to day running of the event itself. They are also responsible for organising company fun days, corporate hospitality, residential conferences and product launches.
Wednesday, 8 October 2008
suggestions for B3
Having posters on the sides of buses that advertise Alton Towers or special events
Billboards at railway stations advertising special events
Jack - as customers leave the park they could complete a form with email address. Alton Towers could then form a massive data base and target market segments with special offers.
This would enable families to know about weekend breaks at Alton Towers Resort and Splash landing
Business Customers could get special deals if conferences were held during the low season or quiet periods
Teenagers could be encouraged to attend Halloween Events
Families with young children could be encouraged to attend at quiet periods
This could also be tied in with some sort of loyalty scheme.
Alicia suggests:
Having jingles or advertisements on radio stations such as BRMB. Widening the current circulation or sphere of influence of Alton Towers.
Recommend radio stations - use the internet.
Thursday, 18 September 2008
Evaluate the ease of communication. Telephone and assess them on their efficiency in answering and dealing with your enquiry.
Carry out a mock booking over the internet and decide how user friendly it is. (Stop before you get to 'confirm')
To complete this, imagine that you have just been put in charge of marketing at your chosen organisation and your aim is to increase visitor numbers.
To do this you need to look specifically at PLACE in the marketing mix and how this part of the mix at Alton Towers can be improved. The aim of this memo is to persuade the marketing manager to use your recommendations.
Place refers to both physical factors and the distribution channels. What could be improved at Alton Towers?
Make a recommendation showing how their products could be made more available to customers.
This could be in the form of a memo to the manager at Alton Towers
How could you improve the on-line booking procedure?
Are any sections needed on the website?
Could the section on how to get there be improved? what about adding links perhaps to multimap or the AA routefinder service.
Are there details on the website of how to get to Alton Towers by public transport - are these sufficiently detailed.
Is there a service to collect people from main public transport connections?
- schools
- bill boards
- magazines, national press, local press
- Mail shots
- TV
- regional radio
Write a memo describing your recommendation. Make sure you explain fully what your recommendation would involve and why it would be successful. Alton Towers will only use your recommendation if your reasons are convincing and your memo is persuasive.
How to create a memo: - open word
- select file, new and then click on the memo icon to view a choice
- Select professional memo
- edit the text and complete your ONE recommendation
Describe in detail how Alton Towers makes its products available to customers, with specific reference to 'place'
'Place' refers to the actual location of the facility and how the product is distributed to the customer.
This can be divided into:
1. physical factors of location
2. distribution channels
Explain how the following physical factors help make the products available to customers:
- Location - include a map annotated to show the accessibility of the location from M1 and M6. Include a table with the distance, direction and length of journey from major cities to Alton Towers.
- Signposting - what is the brown signposting scheme? Where do the brown signposts to Alton Towers start to appear?
- Sufficient car parking for staff and customer? coach and minibus parks?
- Disabled access? access for pushchairs?
- Transport links?

How does the product reach the customer?
Explain how the following distribution channels help make the products available to customers:
- Communication (giving advice on ticket availability, opening times, directions ... website, telephone, email
- Stock holding (making sure there are enough products in stock such as sufficient equipment, seats, souvenirs etc) Remember there range of products in Alton Towers is quite vast
- Transportation (helping customers actually get to the facility)
b1 Marketing
This just needs simple statements as to how the products are made available to the customers of the organisation
What attracts people to Alton Towers - what is it about?
How is it made available to the customer....
accessibility, brown signposts
provision of car parks, coach parks etc as visitors are expected from a wide catchment area
Accessibility within the attraction - provision made for wheelchairs, push chairs etc?
How do people find out about Alton Towers - distribution channels?
TV advertising
booking through agents e.g. last
exhibitions - lifestyle and leisure
What do you need to include to achieve an A-C grade?
- This section is focusing on the part of the marketing mix which refers to PLACE. This focuses on how organisations make their products and services available to customers. Organisations may have a range of ways of making their products available and you must give a detailed description of how they do it.
- You also need to make a sensible and practical suggestion of how the organisation could improve the availability of its products / services to potential customers.
Alton Towers photos
Wednesday, 17 September 2008
Useful information received from Alton Towers that you might want to include
Mission Statement
Vision: To be the global leader in location based branded family entertainment.
Mission: The delivery to our visitors of high quality memorable visitor experiences.
What is the marketing strategy at Alton Towers?
The Alton Towers' marketing strategy is to communicate its strategic brand messages to the key target markets that are teenagers, young adults and families.
The main objectives in terms of individual visitors
- Deliver volume objectives in terms of individual visitors
- Deliver profit objectives
- Maintain brand leadership status within the UK
- Continue to position Alton Towers as a destination resort.
What type of advertising does Alton Towers do?
The advertising strategy is developed as a result of a thorough review of the competitive environment, the current economic climate, research results, visitor profiles and other external and internal factors.
Alton Towers' advertising media includes TV, radio, press, direct mail, promotions and the Internet with the majority of the budget being spent on national TV.
What type of promotions does Alton Towers do?
Alton Towers runs promotions only with partners who reflect equal brand values to Alton Towers. The promotional plan must deliver high quality communication of the Alton Towers brand; strong incentives, national coverage, cover varying market sectors and ultimately ensure the Alton Towers brand is not devalued. The main types of promotions used by Alton Towers include BOGOF tickets, children go free when one adult pays full price and limited discounted tickets.
How are individuals targeted?
Through mainstream advertising and PR strategies, i.e. TV adverts, press adverts, poster campaigns, direct marketing and editorial features.
How are coach groups targeted?
Coach groups and group organisers are targeted via the Trade Sales department and through direct mail and trade PR. The Trade Sales Team works out in the field visiting coach operators and tour operators helping them to set up trips to Alton Towers.
How are companies targeted?
Companies are a vital part of the trade market for Alton Towers and are targeted via the main TV campaign. trade PR, direct mail and direct calls from sales representatives.
How are school parties targeted?
School parties are targeted by direct calls and direct mail. Visits to Alton Towers are communicated to schools as a fun and educational day out. Two on site Education Centres have been established to help students with assignments on park.
useful websites:
AA routeplanner
Alton Towers Adverts:
Imperial Leather promotion
Blue Peter does Oblivion
Blue Peter does Air
Alton Towers Resort, Alton, Staffordshire ST104DB
Tel 01538 703344
Fax 01538 704097
A3 Marketing
Having described the products, relate them to the pricing structure. Include a list of prices with details of discouts and special offers.
Explain the dwell time and various pricing policies used.
Do you think that the organisation offers value for money
1. Have you discussed why products are priced as they are? e.g. competitive pricing, discounts etc
2. Have you calculated the dwell time and compared it with other similar organisations pricing structures? Dwell time is an important factor in price determination in which customers decide whether a product offers value for money
3. Have you concluded whether you think the organisation offers good value for money?
4. Analyse the pricing strategies used in the Leisure and Tourism industry.
Pricing strategies:
market penetration pricing - new product, low cost to try out
cost plus pricing - profit margins
competitive pricing - compate to similar organisations
discount pricing
variable pricing - OAP, child
market skimming pricing - in demand
5. Try to find one example of a product or service from Alton Towers that uses one of the above pricing strategies and explain why they might use this method
6. Compare the prices of entry for Alton Towers with other organisations that offer similar products and services and have similar aims.
A2 Marketing
1. Describe all of the products, describing clearly what they are and who they are suited for (target groups, market segments)
Copy images from the internet and any suitable photograhps taken from the visit to help with your detailed description
Describe the goods in detail
Describe the services in detail
Explain any differences in pricing
A1 Marketing
1. Give a definition of marketing and say why it is important to leisure and tourism
2. Identify the products and services offered by Alton Towers
3. Give the pricing structure for the products
Brief description of the organisation
Summary of facilities
Definition of goods and services
List of goods and services with prices
What do you need to include to achieve an A-C grade?
- Basically you need to produce a detailed analysis of all of the products and services offered by the organisation. This may range from souvenirs in the shop, to the organisation of conferences and weddings
- You need to include information on the pricing structures of the goods and services on sale. For example, your does the organisation offer discounts for certain groups of people or different times of the year?
- Explain some of the reasons why the organisation might vary its pricing structures. For example, cheaper prices at off-peak times to attract customers
- Comment on the factors that influence the organisation's pricing decisions, for example, the prices of competitors
Notes from Marketing Talk
8th Centruy fortress site
Talbot Family (Earls of Shresbury)
Houe and Gardens commissioned by 15th Earl in 1800
1890s crowds of 30, ooo visited the buildings and estate. Tourist attractions included lion tamers, elephants and bands
1920s became a significant tourist attraction
WWII used as officer training unit
Late 1970s - developed as a theme park
1990 Sold to Pearson plc and became parto f the Tussauds Group
1998 Sold to Charterhouse
2005 sold to Dubai International Capital
2007 became part of Merlin Entertainments who also own Chessington World of Adventures, Warwick Castle, Legoland
History of rollercoasters
1980 The UK's first modern looping rollercoaster, The Corkscrew
1985 - The Black Hole, UK's first rollercoaster in the dark
Late 1980's Thunderlooper and the Beast (secondhand white knuckle rollercoasters)
The economy was entering a recession
Competitors were emerging: American Adventure, EuroDisney
Financial backing was unsound, other projects were draining profits
Alton Towers was associated with Young Adults market segment and not seen as a Family Day out and so was missing a large target market.
1990's - objectives
Growth - £3million was invested in the infrastructure of the park
promotional links with major brands were established to drive communication into the home (CocaCola, Walkers Crisps, Flume ride sponsored by Imperial Leather
1990 - 2000
Reposition of brand - focus on the balance between white knuckle rides and family rides
1992 - £10m Haunted House and Runaway mine train Family
1994 - £12 Nemesis (£10m) Thrill
Toyland Tours £2m Family
1998 - £12 Oblivion Thrill
1999 - £2.5 Ugland theming Thrill
2000 - £4 Hex Family
2002 - £12 Air Thrill
2004 - £8 SpinballWhizzer Thrill
The Flume Family
2005 - £8 Rita Queen of Speed Thrill
2006 - £4.5 Charlie and the Chocolate factory - the Ride Family
2008 - £6 Mutiny Bay Themeing Battle Galleons Family
London Eye